Module 3 Unit 1 What are they doing?教案(含设计意图)

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Module 3 Unit 1 What are they doing?教案(含设计意图)

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外研版三起英语四年级上册Module 3 Unit 1 What are they doing 一、 教材分析(Analysis of teaching material):二、学情分析(Analysis of the students):小学四年级学生在经过一年的英语学习后,初步具备了一定的听说能力,形成了较好的英语学习习惯。教学中积极创设符合学生实际的语言教学情境,通过听、读、演等设计活动,使学生边学边练并获得一定的成就感,激发英语学习兴趣。三、教学目标(Teaching aims):1. 知识目标(Knowledge objects)(1)能够正确听、说、认读本课相关词汇:kid, can, see, interesting, people, boat, men,between,drink,clock, hungry;do taijiquan, row a dragon boat, play chess, drink soya milk(2)能理解词汇:get on, lots of,thing, row,Me too.文中意思。(3)能够用所学语言询问以及描述他人正在发生的动作:What are they doing They are doing…2. 能力目标(Ability objects)能够通过语言学习以及形式多样的课堂活动,掌握本单元词汇和主要句型,将其运用到实际情景中,询问和描述他人正在进行的动作。3. 情感目标 (Emotion objects)培养学生培养学生多留心观察生活,体验小组合作的喜悦和收获知识的幸福感。四、教学重点和难点(Teaching important and difficult points):1. 教学重点(Teaching important points)(1)能够进一步理解现在进行时,正确听说、认读词汇:doing taijiquan rowing a dragon boat playing chess drinking soya milk2. 教学难点(Teaching difficult points)在情境中使用What are they/the kids doing They’re doing …来提问生活他人正在进行的动作,并能够回答他人对于 动作的问答。五、教学用具(Teaching Aids)多媒体课件、磁条(1)、豆浆(1)、头饰(2)、人物头像(2)、句子卡片(5)、公交车车图片(4)、练习纸等。六、教学过程(Teaching procedures)Step 1. GreetingT: Class begins!M: Stand up,please!T: Hello!Boys and girls!Ss: Hello!Ms Wang. M: Sit down,please.T: Welcome to Ms Wang’s class. Today we will learn Module 3,Unit 1.Step 2. Warm-up1. Sing the songT: Now,let’s sing the song: Are you doing it too Please stand up.I’m listening to music. I’m reading a book. I’m writing a e here and look.I’m playing football. I’m talking to you. I’m doing my homework. Are you doing it too 2. Listen and doT: You can sing the song very well.Can you listen and do the well?Please get it ready.T: run, swim,read,fly a kite, take pictures, listen to musicSs: I’m running. /swimming./reading.I’m flying a kite. /taking pictures./listening to music . T: Wonderful!You can listen and do the action very well. Sit down,please.(设计意图:通过老师发指令,学生听音做动作,带领学生复习上所学的语言,激发学生学习兴趣,活跃课堂气氛。)Step 3. Presentation1.Lead inT: Now,boys and girls,you sing the song,you play the game ,you look so happy. Look!There are some kids in the park.They’re happy ,too.What are they doing Let’s listen and answer .OK (播放Activity 1 视频,看书听音,思考问题。)2. Listen ,point and sayT: What are they doing Ss: They’re listening to music.They’re playing football.Ss:They are doing taijiquan.T: Yes.They are doing taijiquan. Look! I can do taijiquan. (粘贴卡片:doing taijiquan, 在背景音乐中,老师模仿打太极拳,并带领学生一起表演太极拳。)T: Group 1,stand up.Can you do taijiquan Ss: Yes,we can do taijiquan.T: Go ahead!The others,what are they doing Ss: They’re doing taijiquan.T: Wonderful.Thank you. Please sit down. Now,you can drive your bus further.(第一组模仿打太极拳,师提出问题what are they doing 其他学生回答: They’re doing taijiquan.课件展示中国太极。及时评价:Group 1公交车前进。)B. T: Listen!The bus is moving on.Now look at the people on the lake.What are they doing Ss: They are rowing a dragon boat. (老师粘贴卡片:rowing a dragon boat)T: Group 2,can you row a dragon boat Ss: Yes,we can row a dragon boat.T: Go ahead,please.Boys and girls,look! What are they doing Ss:They’re rowing a dragon boat. T:Yes, you can drive your bus further.Please sit down.Look!Dragon Boat Festival is the traditional festival in China.People row the dragon boat,eat zongzi,wear perfume satchel,drink realgar wine,we can introduce the customs of Dragon Boat Festival to Amy.(第二组模仿划龙舟,师提出问题what are they doing 学生回答:They’re rowing a dragon boat.课件展示介绍端午节及其习俗:划龙舟,吃粽子,佩香囊,饮黄酒。及时评价:Group 2公交车前进。)C: T: Listen!The bus is keeping on moving,look at the men between the big trees.What are they doing You,please. Ss:They’re playing chess.(老师粘贴卡片:playing chess)T: Group 3 please stand up.Can you play chess Ss:Yes,we can play chess.T: Please go.Look! What are they doing Ss:They’re playing chess.T:Good job.Now you can drive your bus further.Please sit down.Playing chess is very interesting.Look!These are chess,and these are Chinese chess. (PPT出示国际象棋,中国象棋画面)Do you want to play chess Please act it with your partners.Hey!Boys and girls,what are you doing Ss:We’re playing chess.T: Look at the picture,please.What are they doing Ss:They’re playing chess.(第三组模仿下棋,师提出问题what are they doing 学生回答:They’re playing chess.课件展示chess,Chinese chess,及时评价:Group 3公交车前进。)D: T:Great.Let’s go on.Boys and girls,close your eyes,please. Dangdangdang! Look,what’s this (出示豆浆实物) Soya milk.Boys,please.Girls,please.Together! (老师粘贴卡片:drinking soya milk,拿出准备的豆浆,教学soya milk, 做出喝豆浆的动作,教授 drinking soya milk.) T: Look at these girls.What are they drinking Ss:They’re drinking soya milk.T:And we can say: drinking water,drinking milk,drinking soya milk (PPT出示正在喝水,喝牛奶,喝豆奶画面)T: Group 4,can you drink soya milk Group 4:Yes,we can .T: Boys and girls, look! What are they drinking Ss: They’re drinking soya milk.(第四组模仿喝豆浆,师提出问题what are they doing 学生回答:They’re drinking soya milk及时评价:Group 4公交车前进。)E:T: Wonderful!Please sit down.Listen,the bus is moving on.Now,it’s stop at the station.Look at the clock.It’s twelve now.Amy and Daming are hungry,so they get off the bus.Maybe they will drink soya milk.Oh,they have a nice bus trip. And we can introduce lots of interesting things for Amy. If we have chance to British,I think Amy will introduce London for us.Please remember:Language is the bridge of communication .We should learn English well.(设计意图:通过板书,课件,动作等多种形式,引导学生带有兴趣地进行操练,由易到难,进行有梯度的学习,层层深入学习句型,有效突破本课教学重难点。运用公交车前进,及时对各组进行评价,相互鼓励。)Step 4. Practice.1. Listen and repeatT:Now let’s read the text follow the tape.Are you ready (老师播放视频2,组织学生逐句跟读,模仿语音语调。)2. Read and actNow let’s do group work.Please act out the text with your partner.Two minutes for you, are you clear Let’s begin. (PPT计时器)Have you got it Now it’s time for us to show, the boy actsDaming,the girl to be Amy.Who wants to try Please. Let’s listen carefully. They act very well.Big hands! You can drive your bus further.(设计意图:通过小组合作,分角色表演对话, 调动学生的积极性,激发学生表达的欲望。参与角色表演学生自行评价,所在组公交车前进。)3. Choose and writelistening playing rowing drinking doingThey’re _______ taijiquan.They’re _______ a dragon boat.They’re _______ chess.They’re _______soya milk.They’re _______ to music.4. Ask and answerLook at the …What are they doing They’re playing Chinese chess./eating hot pot./drinking milk./playing peg-top.having a tug of war./playing the erhu.(设计意图:通过小组合作完成书写练习,课件呈现与生活密切相关具有中国特色的活动:下中国象棋,吃火锅,玩陀螺,拔河,拉二胡等,让学生学以致用,体现语言的交际功能。)Step 5 .Extension1. Play the gameT: Boys and girls,how about your life after school Now, let’s play a game:Who’s the lucky dog Wow,you look very happy.(结合转盘寻找幸运者,看选中照片问答重点句:What are they doing They’re singing the song./dancing/reading thebook./running/eating the food. What are you doing I’m riding a bike./riding a horse./eating noodles./playing the piano./drawing pictures./doing my homework…)T: You have the colourful life after school. All of you have the happy childhood.2. Prepare the class partyT: Boys and girls,Children’s Day is coming. We will have a class party,what will you show Well,let’s do group work and prepare the programs ,ok And soon,the reporter will interview us.Now,let’s begin.Reporter: Hello!I’m Kitty.I’m a reporter.Children’s Day is coming.The kids in Class eleven,Grade Four are preparing the programs for the party.Now,let’s have a look. Hello!What are they doing Group leader: They’re sing the song./playing the piano./dancing./doing Kongfu.)Reporter: Wish you have a happy class party.Bye-bye!(设计意图:通过记者采访班级晚会排练现场,运用本课语句进行交流,充分体现语言的交际功能。第一组唱歌,第二组弹琴,第三组跳舞,第四组武术 )Step 6 : SummaryT: Look at the blackboard.What have we learned today And the winner is Group( ).Congratulations! (结合板书进行小结,结合观光游览车进行评价。)Step 7 : Homework.1. Listen and read2. Act and doBlackboard designModule 3 Unit 1What are they doing They’re doing taijiquan.rowing a dragon boat.playing chess . drinking soya milk .






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